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AVD JEWELS takes 2 working days for available in stock items and 10 business days for make to order items. However, most of the products are usually available in stock.
AVD JEWELS will take 3 to 15 working days to ship the products within the country.
International shipment will take 15 to 30 working days after order completion through payment options which we accept. For any international order completion procedure includes payment, address verification, phone number verification, contact information verification etc. We will contact you and will also mail you after delivering the product from the company to you.
Responsibility of the order rests on our shoulder till we deliver the product safely in your hands. You can rest be assured that the product you have ordered and paid for, will come to you by all means.
If you have any questions please contact us on [email protected] or on (+91) 8355985601
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